Monday, May 23, 2011

How to reduce the size of the image to contrast to post to the Web.

How to reduce the size of the image to contrast to post to the Web.
 First time many people come to form a web. I just use the new training is short and then post them. Without knowing. To zoom into every detail in the image will be lost. The images we zoom down Definition is not equal to the original sample A.
So every time before we could take pictures to post suggest that it should use the Unsharp mask (we will be able to adjust more precisely sharpen plain) every time.

In example B as a short video of the original size, down to 3800 Pixels 800 Pixels at once and then use the Unsharp Mask command 500/0.2 (see illustration below offline) to see that the image contrast in the image A very obvious.

 However, once the zoom. The big picture down to a small picture it is. The details are missing quite a lot.
There are other ways to help preserve image detail and then provide. And to add further dimensions of the image with

That is to zoom down a little at a time 500 Pixels may then use the Unsharp mask along with each.

Preview shows you how to shrink the image.

3800 pixels ----- Image size ----> 3000 Pixels / Unsharp mask -amount 200 / Radius 0.2 /Threshold 0
3000 pixels ----- Image size ----> 2500 Pixels / Unsharp mask -amount 200 / Radius 0.2 /Threshold 0
2500 pixels ----- Image size ----> 2000 Pixels / Unsharp mask -amount 200 / Radius 0.2 /Threshold 0
2000 pixels ----- Image size ----> 1500 Pixels / Unsharp mask -amount 200 / Radius 0.2 /Threshold 0
1500 pixels ----- Image size ----> 800 Pixels / Unsharp mask -amount 500 / Radius 0.2 /Threshold 0 

Final amount may be increased to 500 for greater clarity.

From C to preview that image is sharp. Clear up another level. A greater depth. And detailed in the dark better. View from the area. Written in a web video. In the shadow of the glass to see the details.

This is how a successful model, which was the year that is of course, but if it is really thoroughly. Each time shrink down. Unsharp mask must be set to vary with the resolution and image size. Which each require expertise How to privacy that is not enough and too sharp edge image up or as a tablet I was offline.

Preview may be hard to do in order to sharpen the differences more clearly by comparing images.

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